The debate over whether an Apple iPad can replace a laptop remains polarized. But with the launch of the next iteration of iOS , Apple could finally remove one of the longest-running arguments against the iPad as a productivity device. The iPad is on track to get mouse support for the first time, according to Federico Viticci , editor in chief of MacStories . Viticci revealed his scoop on episode 239 of the Connected podcast . It was confirmed on Twitter by Steve Troughton-Smith, a long-time Apple developer from Ireland. Steve Troughton-Smith ✔ @stroughtonsmith If you missed last week's @ _connectedfm , @ viticci had a pretty interesting scoop that he'd been sitting on re mouse support coming to iPad as an accessibility feature. As far as I'm aware, that *is* indeed in the works. I feel like every pro user will turn that on, day one 178 3:32 AM - Apr 23, 2019 Twitter Ads info and pr...
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