The Galaxy M21 and Galaxy A50s received price hikes last month The handsets are already listed with new price on Samsung's website The deliveries will still start after the lockdown period ends in the country Samsung Galaxy M21 and Galaxy A50s models have now received price cut in India. Notably, the handsets received a price hike just last month after the government announced the GST rate increase. Following the price hike, the Galaxy M21 variant with 4GB RAM + 64GB storage increased to Rs 14,222 while the model with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage was retailing for Rs 16,329. Now, both the models have received a price cut and the 4GB RAM variant is now available for Rs 13,199 while the 6GB RAM has been listed at the brand's website at Rs 15,499. On the other hand, the 4GB RAM + 128GB storage model and 6GB + 128GB models of the Galaxy A50s were available for Rs 21,070 and Rs 26,900 following the price hikes by the company. After the latest price cut, you will be able...
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