Neerja Arora , WhatsApp ’s chief business officer, is the latest Facebook executive to step down the facebook cluster of companies in the last few months. In a Facebook post , Arora said he is “going to be taking some time off to recharge and spend time with family,” and thanked WhatsApp co-founders Jan Koum and Brian Acton. Koum stepped down as WhatsApp CEO earlier this year over disagreements with Facebook executives over privacy and encryption. Acton had left WhatsApp a year ago, in September 2017, to start his own non-profit. However, a few months later, he urged people to #deletefacebook on his Twitter account. The co-founders’ departure reportedly boiled down to disagreements over the monetization options for WhatsApp which has been anti-ads since the beginning. It is time. #deletefacebook — Brian Acton (@brianacton) March 20, 2018 Arora had been with WhatsApp since 2011, when the company was just two years old. He was with the...
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